adrien 1d7c7fba86
All checks were successful
goreleaser / goreleaser (push) Successful in 56s
First commit
2023-07-01 16:17:20 +02:00

487 lines
12 KiB

// Package cli defines flags, commands and functions to run.
package cli
import (
entropy "github.com/wagslane/go-password-validator"
// config represents the configuration file
type config struct {
Address string `toml:"address"`
Port []string `toml:"port"`
Timeout time.Duration `toml:"timeout"`
Delay time.Duration `toml:"delay"`
// ding holds variables to operate
type ding struct {
cliCtx *cli.Context
configFile *os.File
const (
appName = "ding"
var (
// version and commit can be defined at compilation time via ldflags.
version, commit string
func Run() error {
// Use all processors
// Set global logger
log.Logger = zerolog.New(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stdout, TimeFormat: time.RFC3339}).With().Timestamp().Logger()
// Common flag
var noCipher = &cli.BoolFlag{Name: "insecure", Aliases: []string{"i"}, Usage: "don't de/cipher configuration file", Value: false}
// Initialize ding
app := cli.NewApp()
globalFlags := []cli.Flag{
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "address", Aliases: []string{"a"}, Usage: "address to knock", Hidden: true}),
altsrc.NewStringSliceFlag(&cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "port", Aliases: []string{"p"}, Usage: "ports to knock", Hidden: true, Action: func(_ *cli.Context, ports []string) error { return validatePortRange(ports) }}),
altsrc.NewDurationFlag(&cli.DurationFlag{Name: "timeout", Aliases: []string{"t"}, Usage: "timeout in milliseconds", Hidden: true, DefaultText: "1500ms", Value: 1500 * time.Millisecond}),
altsrc.NewDurationFlag(&cli.DurationFlag{Name: "delay", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Usage: "delay in milliseconds between knocks", Hidden: true, DefaultText: "100ms", Value: 100 * time.Millisecond}),
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, Usage: "input configuration file", Hidden: true, DefaultText: "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ding/config.toml or $HOME/.config/ding/config.toml"},
app.Name = appName
if version == "" || commit == "" {
version = "untagged"
commit = "0000000000"
app.Version = version + "-" + commit[0:10]
app.Usage = "Command line interface tool to knock ports"
app.UseShortOptionHandling = true
app.Suggest = true
app.EnableBashCompletion = true
app.Authors = []*cli.Author{
Name: "Adrien",
Email: "contact@illuad.fr",
app.Flags = globalFlags
app.Commands = cli.Commands{
Name: "setup",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Usage: "Launches ding setup",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "address", Aliases: []string{"a"}, Usage: "address to knock"},
&cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "port", Aliases: []string{"p"}, Usage: "ports to knock", Action: func(_ *cli.Context, ports []string) error { return validatePortRange(ports) }},
&cli.DurationFlag{Name: "timeout", Aliases: []string{"t"}, Usage: "timeout in milliseconds", DefaultText: "1500ms", Value: 1500 * time.Millisecond},
&cli.DurationFlag{Name: "delay", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Usage: "delay in milliseconds between knocks", DefaultText: "100ms", Value: 100 * time.Millisecond},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "bypass-password-entropy", Aliases: []string{"b"}, Usage: "insecurely bypass password entropy", Value: false}},
Action: func(cliCtx *cli.Context) error {
dingCLI := ding{cliCtx: cliCtx}
if cliCtx.Bool("insecure") {
return dingCLI.write()
return dingCLI.marshal()
app.Before = func(cliCtx *cli.Context) error {
if cliCtx.IsSet("config") {
return altsrc.InitInputSourceWithContext(cliCtx.App.Flags, altsrc.NewTomlSourceFromFlagFunc("config"))(cliCtx)
return nil
app.Action = func(cliCtx *cli.Context) error {
dingCLI := ding{cliCtx: cliCtx}
if cliCtx.Bool("insecure") {
if err := dingCLI.read(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := dingCLI.unmarshal(); err != nil {
return err
address := dingCLI.config.Address
if _, err := net.LookupHost(address); err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range dingCLI.config.Port {
_, _ = net.DialTimeout("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", address, p), dingCLI.config.Timeout)
return nil
return app.Run(os.Args)
// basePath returns configuration path, e.g. /home/jdoe/.config/ding.
// Configuration filename (config.toml) is not added, see configPath for this.
// Empty string is returned if path can't be build (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME are not set).
func (d *ding) basePath() string {
path, ok := os.LookupEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if !ok {
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set
// $HOME is?
path, ok = os.LookupEnv("HOME")
if !ok {
// $HOME is not set
// Base path can't be build
return ""
} else {
// $HOME is set, add ".config/ding"
return filepath.Join(path, ".config", "ding")
} else {
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, add "ding"
return filepath.Join(path, "ding")
// configPath return configuration file path, e.g. /home/jdoe/.config/ding/config.toml.
// Empty string is returned if configuration file path can't be build (if basePath has returned empty string).
func (d *ding) configPath() string {
path := d.basePath()
if path == "" {
return ""
return filepath.Join(path, "config.toml")
// saltPath return salt file path, e.g. /home/jdoe/.config/ding/.salt.
// Empty string is returned if salt file path can't be build (if basePath has returned empty string).
func (d *ding) saltPath() string {
path := d.basePath()
if path == "" {
return ""
return filepath.Join(path, ".salt")
// createBaseFolders creates configuration path, e.g. /home/jdoe/.config/ding.
// Configuration file (config.toml) is not created, see createConfigurationFile for this.
// An error is returned if basePath has returned empty string.
func (d *ding) createBaseFolders() (string, error) {
path := d.basePath()
if path == "" {
return "", errors.New("failed to retrieve base path")
return path, os.MkdirAll(path, 0755)
// createConfigurationFile creates configuration file, e.g. /home/jdoe/.config/ding/config.toml.
// An error is return if createBaseFolders failed to create base folders or if configuration file creation failed.
func (d *ding) createConfigurationFile() error {
path, err := d.createBaseFolders()
if err != nil {
return err
d.configFile, err = os.Create(filepath.Join(path, "config.toml"))
return err
// askAddressIfNotSet asks for the address, or sets it if given by flag.
func (d *ding) askAddressIfNotSet() *ding {
if d.cliCtx.IsSet("address") {
d.config.Address = d.cliCtx.String("address")
} else {
if err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{
Message: "address to knock:",
}, &d.config.Address); err != nil {
return nil
return d
// askPortIfNotSet asks for the port, or sets it if given by flag.
func (d *ding) askPortIfNotSet() *ding {
if d.cliCtx.IsSet("port") {
d.config.Port = d.cliCtx.StringSlice("port")
} else {
var input string
if err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{
Message: "port to knock (separated by commas if several):",
}, &input); err != nil {
return nil
d.config.Port = strings.Split(input, ",")
return d
// askTimeoutIfNotSet asks for the timeout, or sets it if given by flag.
func (d *ding) askTimeoutIfNotSet() *ding {
if d.cliCtx.IsSet("timeout") {
d.config.Timeout = d.cliCtx.Duration("timeout")
} else {
if err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{
Message: "timeout in milliseconds:",
Default: d.cliCtx.Duration("timeout").String(),
Help: "TCP connection timeout, this value should be increased on a slow network",
}, &d.config.Timeout); err != nil {
return nil
return d
// askDelayIfNotSet asks for the delay, or sets it if given by flag.
func (d *ding) askDelayIfNotSet() *ding {
if d.cliCtx.IsSet("delay") {
d.config.Delay = d.cliCtx.Duration("delay")
} else {
if err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Input{
Message: "delay in milliseconds between knocks:",
Default: d.cliCtx.Duration("delay").String(),
Help: "waiting time between TCP connections, value tied to server configuration",
}, &d.config.Delay); err != nil {
return nil
return d
// write creates configuration file and encodes config to it.
func (d *ding) write() error {
if err := d.createConfigurationFile(); err != nil {
return err
if err := toml.NewEncoder(d.configFile).Encode(d.config); err != nil {
return err
return d.configFile.Close()
// marshal encodes config to a buffer of bytes suitable for post-manipulations.
// It also generates a 128-bit salt, a 256-bit key derived via Argon2id, initializes a XChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD cipher.
// Then, the buffer is ciphered and written to the configuration file.
func (d *ding) marshal() error {
if err := d.createConfigurationFile(); err != nil {
return err
var dst bytes.Buffer
if err := toml.NewEncoder(&dst).Encode(d.config); err != nil {
return err
salt := make([]byte, 16)
if _, err := rand.Read(salt); err != nil {
return nil
path := d.saltPath()
if path == "" {
return errors.New("failed to retrieve salt path")
encodedSalt := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(salt)))
hex.Encode(encodedSalt, salt)
if err := os.WriteFile(path, encodedSalt, 0644); err != nil {
return err
aead, err := chacha20poly1305.NewX(d.deriveKey(salt))
if err != nil {
return err
nonce := make([]byte, aead.NonceSize(), aead.NonceSize()+dst.Len()+aead.Overhead())
if _, err = rand.Read(nonce); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = d.configFile.Write(aead.Seal(nonce, nonce, dst.Bytes(), nil)); err != nil {
return err
return d.configFile.Close()
func (d *ding) askPassword() *bytes.Buffer {
var input string
if err := survey.AskOne(&survey.Password{Message: "password:"}, &input); err != nil {
panic("prompt error:" + err.Error())
return bytes.NewBufferString(input)
func (d *ding) deriveKey(salt []byte) []byte {
var password *bytes.Buffer
for {
password = d.askPassword()
// Password entropy must be verified only during the setup phase
if d.cliCtx.Command.Name != "setup" {
if !d.cliCtx.Bool("bypass-password-entropy") {
if err := entropy.Validate(password.String(), 65); err != nil {
defer password.Reset()
return argon2.IDKey(password.Bytes(), salt, 1, 64*1024, uint8(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU())), chacha20poly1305.KeySize)
// read reads an unencrypted configuration file.
func (d *ding) read() error {
path := d.configPath()
if path == "" {
return errors.New("failed to retrieve configuration file path")
var err error
d.configFile, err = os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer d.configFile.Close()
_, err = toml.NewDecoder(d.configFile).Decode(&d.config)
return err
// unmarshal deciphers and decodes the configuration file.
func (d *ding) unmarshal() error {
path := d.configPath()
if path == "" {
return errors.New("failed to retrieve configuration file path")
conf, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = d.saltPath()
if path == "" {
return errors.New("failed to retrieve salt path")
var salt []byte
salt, err = os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
decodedSalt := make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(salt)))
if _, err = hex.Decode(decodedSalt, salt); err != nil {
return err
var aead cipher.AEAD
aead, err = chacha20poly1305.NewX(d.deriveKey(decodedSalt))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(conf) < aead.NonceSize() {
return errors.New("ciphered data size is greater than the nonce size")
nonce, cipheredData := conf[:aead.NonceSize()], conf[aead.NonceSize():]
var decipheredData []byte
decipheredData, err = aead.Open(nil, nonce, cipheredData, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = toml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(decipheredData)).Decode(&d.config)
return err
func validatePortRange(ports []string) error {
for _, port := range ports {
p, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
return err
if p < 1 || p > 65535 {
return fmt.Errorf("%d: invalid port", p)
return nil