Add config. related to GPU and power consumption

This commit is contained in:
adrien 2020-12-06 01:04:35 +01:00
parent 4bae31d801
commit 25bef965bb
1 changed files with 27 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -28,11 +28,17 @@ yay -S spectrwm fish openssh rofi xorg xorg-server scrot xorg-xinit alacritty ra
### Pentest purposes
yay -S wfuzz exploitdb nmap gobuster nikto hydra perl-image-exiftool zsteg rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git rockyou seclists-git fcrackzip gdb radare2 enum4linux peass hashcat intel-compute-runtime metasploit
yay -S wfuzz exploitdb nmap gobuster nikto hydra perl-image-exiftool zsteg rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git rockyou seclists fcrackzip gdb radare2 enum4linux peass hashcat intel-compute-runtime metasploit cuda
## Configurations
## Power
yay -S tlp
sudo systemctl enable --now tlp.service
### Locale
sudo localectl set-keymap fr
@ -72,6 +78,26 @@ sudo systemctl enable slock@$USER.service
sudo systemctl enable --now mnt-data.automount
### GPU
On a second laptop I have a Quadro T2000 graphics card, if I want to be able to use it (for hashcat for example) I have to install the following tools and make the following configuration.
yay -S nvidia bumblebee
sudo gpasswd -a $USER bumblebee.service
It's a good idea to reboot, to make sure the modules load properly. To test if Bumblebee works with your Optimus system, you can execute the following thing.
optirun glxspheres64
If the window with animation shows up, Optimus with Bumblebee is working.
Some useful links to learn more:
## Misc
### Generate a WPA-PSK for `netctl` Wi-Fi config files