# vaultwarden-backup This script saves the Vaultwarden SQLite database, and sends a message to a Telegram bot. ## Introduction The SQLite database file (`db.sqlite3`) stores almost all important Vaultwarden data/state (database entries, users, organizations, device metadata...), with the main exception being attachments, which are stored as separate files on the filesystem. You should generally use the `.backup` command in the SQLite CLI to back up the database file. This command uses the [Online Backup API][online_backup_api], which SQLite documents as the [best way][best_way] to back up a database file that may be in active use. If you can ensure the database will not be in use when a backup runs, you can also use other methods such as the `.dump` command, or simply copying all the SQLite database files (including the `-wal` file, if present). You can learn more here: https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/wiki/Backing-up-your-vault ## Requirements ### Software It is clearly necessary to have deployed a Vaultwarden instance on your server. I wrote an article about this topic here: https://illuad.fr/2020/06/11/install-vaultwarden.html Since a message is sent to a Telegram bot, it is necessary to have one configured. I wrote an article about this topic here: https://illuad.fr/2020/10/27/get-a-telegram-alert-on-a-ssh-login-with-pam.html ### System This script can run on any GNU/Linux machine. This script uses `sqlite3` command, so make sure it is installed on your system. ## Installation Since this script must be executed with root rights, it is a good practice to place it in `/usr/local/sbin/`. ``` curl -LOsSf https://gitea.illuad.fr/adrien/vaultwarden-backup/raw/branch/master/vaultwarden-backup.sh sudo mv vaultwarden-backup.sh /usr/local/sbin sudo chmod 750 /usr/local/sbin/vaultwarden-backup.sh ``` Create the logs' directory. ``` sudo mkdir -p /var/log/backup/vaultwarden-backup ``` ## Configuration This script requires the configuration of 2 variables to work: `key` and `chat_id`. Variables `key` and `chat_id` correspond to the API key and the chat id obtained during the bot creation process. #### Fast variables setting For the `key` variable. ``` sudo sed -i "s/key=/key=/" /usr/local/sbin/vaultwarden-backup.sh ``` For the `chat_id` variable. ``` sudo sed -i "s/chat_id=/chat_id=/" /usr/local/sbin/vaultwarden-backup.sh ``` ## Automation Running this script automatically is a good idea, here is what you should have in the cron jobs of the root user. ``` sudo crontab -l */15 * * * * /usr/local/sbin/vaultwarden-backup.sh ``` Every 15 minutes, the script will save the Vaultwarden SQLite database into `/var/local/vaultwarden/backups/`. If you keep all the backups, the storage space will quickly become full, so it is necessary to delete them as time goes on. ``` sudo crontab -l */16 * * * * /usr/bin/find /var/local/vaultwarden/backups/ -type d -mmin +60 -exec rm -rf {} \; ``` Every 16 minutes, the script will delete the backups that are 60 minutes old. ## Restore a backup Make sure Vaultwarden service is stopped. ``` sudo systemctl stop vaultwarden.service ``` Replace `` with the folder name (the date you want to restore the data). ``` sudo cp /var/local/vaultwarden/backups//backup.sqlite3 /var/lib/vaultwarden/data/db.sqlite3 ``` Start Vaultwarden service. ``` sudo systemctl start vaultwarden.service ``` [online_backup_api]: https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html [best_way]: https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html#_backup_or_restore_while_a_transaction_is_active