#!/usr/bin/env bash # All executed commands are printed to stdout set -x # Redirect stdout (and stderr to stdout) to a file exec 1>/var/log/backup/vaultwarden-backup/vaultwarden-backup-"$(date +%F)".log 2>&1 # Abort on nonzero exit status set -o errexit # Abort on unbound variable set -o nounset # Don't hide errors within pipes set -o pipefail # Set your API key here key= # Set your chat id here chat_id= function send_message() { if ! [ $# -eq 0 ]; then curl --silent --show-error --fail --request POST "https://api.telegram.org/$key/sendMessage" --data chat_id="$chat_id" --data text="$1" --output /dev/null exit fi echo "No argument supplied, please specify the message to send" exit 1 } function backup_vaultwarden { # Retrieve the date in YYYY-MM-DD format and the timestamp in H-M-S format backup_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%I-%M-%S) # Set the destination directory for backups destination_directory=/var/local/vaultwarden/backups/${backup_time} # Create the destination directory mkdir --parents "$destination_directory" # Save the SQLite 3 database if ! sqlite3 /var/lib/vaultwarden/data/db.sqlite3 ".backup $destination_directory/backup.sqlite3"; then send_message "[Backup] - Error during Vaultwarden backup, please log in as soon as possible and see what went wrong" exit 1 fi send_message "[Backup] - Vaultwarden has just been backed up" } backup_vaultwarden