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2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
# dotfiles
## Bulk commands
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S spectrwm fish openssh rofi xorg xorg-server scrot xorg-xinit alacritty ranger feh xf86-video-intel librewolf-bin cifs-utils pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-ctl slock xautolock zip unzip alsa-utils redshift-minimal numlockx usbutils cmatrix yubikey-touch-detector tlp powertop phinger-cursors xdg-user-dirs
cp dotfiles/.xinitrc ~/
cp dotfiles/.fehbg ~/
cp dotfiles/.bash_profile ~/
cp dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/
cp dotfiles/.gemrc ~/
cp dotfiles/.Xresources ~/
2021-10-06 11:19:09 +02:00
mkdir -p ~/.gnupg && cp dotfiles/.gnupg/gpg.conf ~/.gnupg/
chmod +x ~/.fehbg
2021-01-05 10:47:42 +01:00
mkdir -p ~/.config/{spectrwm,alacritty,rofi,fish/functions}
2021-10-06 11:19:09 +02:00
cp dotfiles/.config/spectrwm/* ~/.config/spectrwm/
2021-11-05 10:40:10 +01:00
cp dotfiles/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml ~/.config/alacritty/
2021-10-06 11:19:09 +02:00
cp dotfiles/.config/rofi/config.rasi ~/.config/rofi/
2021-11-05 10:40:10 +01:00
cp dotfiles/.config/fish/ ~/.config/fish/
2021-10-06 11:19:09 +02:00
cp dotfiles/.config/fish/functions/* ~/.config/fish/functions/
cp dotfiles/.config/user-dirs.dirs ~/.config/
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo sed -i "s/autospawn = no/autospawn = yes/" /etc/pulse/client.conf
sudo cp dotfiles/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/
sudo cp dotfiles/system/slock@.service /etc/systemd/system/slock@.service
sudo systemctl enable slock@$USER.service
sudo cp dotfiles/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
2021-01-05 10:47:42 +01:00
sudo cp dotfiles/system/mnt-data.* /etc/systemd/system/
sudo cp dotfiles/system/powertop.service /etc/systemd/system/
2021-10-06 11:19:09 +02:00
sudo systemctl enable --now mnt-data.automount powertop.service tlp.service
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
## Packages
### General purposes
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
yay -S spectrwm fish openssh rofi xorg xorg-server scrot xorg-xinit alacritty ranger feh xf86-video-intel librewolf-bin cifs-utils pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-ctl slock xautolock zip unzip alsa-utils redshift-minimal numlockx usbutils cmatrix yubikey-touch-detector tlp powertop phinger-cursors ttf-agave-nerd
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
### Hacking purposes
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S wfuzz exploitdb nmap gobuster nikto hydra perl-image-exiftool zsteg rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git rockyou seclists fcrackzip gdb radare2 enum4linux peass hashcat intel-compute-runtime metasploit cuda
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
## Configurations
### Power
#### TLP
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
yay -S tlp
sudo systemctl enable --now tlp.service
#### Powertop
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
yay -S powertop
sudo cp dotfiles/system/powertop.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable --now powertop.service
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
### Locale
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo localectl set-keymap fr
sudo localectl --no-convert set-x11-keymap fr pc104
sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
2020-12-01 12:12:11 +01:00
sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
### Freebox share
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/data
2021-01-05 10:47:42 +01:00
sudo mkdir -p /etc/samba/credentials
sudo cp dotfiles/credentials/data /etc/samba/credentials/ (complete the login information in this file)
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo chmod 700 /etc/samba/credentials/
sudo chmod 600 /etc/samba/credentials/data
### Enable services
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
2020-12-06 00:15:33 +01:00
sudo systemctl enable slock@$USER.service
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo systemctl enable --now mnt-data.automount
### GPU
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
On a second laptop I have a Quadro T2000 graphics card, if I want to be able to use it (for `hashcat` among others) I have to install the following tools and make the following configuration.
yay -S nvidia bumblebee
sudo gpasswd -a $USER bumblebee
sudo systemctl enable --now bumblebeed.service
It's a good idea to reboot, to make sure the modules load properly. To test if Bumblebee works with your Optimus system, you can execute the following thing.
optirun glxspheres64
If the window with animation shows up, Optimus with Bumblebee is working.
Some useful links to learn more:
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
## Miscellaneous
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
### Generate a WPA-PSK for `netctl` Wi-Fi config files
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
Copy the value of the `psk` key and paste it in the `netctl` config file and prefix it with `Key=\"`.
wpa_passphrase <ssid>
# reading passphrase from stdin
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
### Configure git
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
git config --global <username>
git config --global <e-mail>
2021-05-06 21:06:36 +02:00
git config --global gpg.program gpg
git config --global user.signingkey 0x... (signing subkey ID)
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
### Configure vim
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
curl -LOsSf
sudo mv oceanic_material.vim /usr/share/vim/vim90/colors/
echo "syntax on" | sudo tee -a /etc/vimrc
echo "colorscheme oceanic_material" | sudo tee -a /etc/vimrc
echo "filetype plugin indent on" | sudo tee -a /etc/vimrc
### Disable sleep mode when closing the lid
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
sudo sed -i "s/#HandleLidSwitch=suspend/HandleLidSwitch=ignore/" /etc/systemd
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
## Specific installations
### Docker
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
Closing (and then reopening) your session is necessary.
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S docker
sudo gpasswd --add $USER docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker (optional)
#### Simple test
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
docker run --name nginx -p 80:80 -d nginx
#### Clean Docker (images, volumes and more that are not used)
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
docker system prune --all --volumes
### Tinygo
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S tinygo avrdude avr-gcc avr-libc
#### Commands
##### Upload led blinking to Arduino Nano
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
tinygo flash -target=arduino-nano -port=/dev/ttyUSB0 examples/blinky1
##### Upload source code to Arduino Nano
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
tinygo flash -target arduino-nano /path/to/code
### Arduino IDE and Arduino CLI
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S arduino arduino-cli
sudo usermod -aG uucp $USER or sudo usermod -aG tty $USER
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSBX
### Jekyll
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S ruby
cp dotfiles/.gemrc ~/
gem install bundler jekyll rdoc
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
### Rust
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
Replace `{stable, nighlty}` by the toolchain you want to install.
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S rustup
rustup default {stable, nightly}
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
#### Update toolchain
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
rustup update
### IntelliJ IDEA
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
2021-01-20 14:37:32 +01:00
yay -S intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
#### Use fish shell inside IntelliJ IDEA
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
sudo ln -s ~/.config/fish/fish_variables /opt/intellij-idea-ultimate-edition/plugins/terminal/fish/fish_variables
### Laravel
#### Install Composer
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
yay -S composer
#### Install Laravel Installer
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
composer global require laravel/installer
#### Add Laravel Installer's path to fish's path
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
set -U fish_user_paths ~/.config/composer/vendor/laravel/installer/bin $fish_user_paths
### Fish
#### Remove a path into fish's path
##### List current path(s)
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
echo $fish_user_paths | tr " " "\n" | nl
1 ~/.config/composer/vendor/laravel/installer/bin
##### Delete the useless one (replace 1 by the desired index)
2023-06-09 14:04:09 +02:00
2020-12-01 02:27:42 +01:00
set --erase --universal fish_user_paths[1]